Top 5 Reasons to Properly Seal and Finish the Concrete Surfaces

Top 5 Reasons to Properly Seal and Finish the Concrete Surfaces

Concrete is known as a reliable and durable material than cement and asphalt when it comes to constructing sidewalks, driveways, steps, walkways, patios, basements, and different kinds of floors. It mainly consists of components like Portland cement, rock, sand, water, and gravel. Concrete is a cost-efficient, easily maintained, durable, and attractive material. However, to achieve the best results over time, it’s better to seal and finish the concrete coverings adequately.

Sealing is the process of applying different substances such as silicates, epoxies, and acrylics, which produce a protective barrier when applied to dry and clean concrete. Finishing is the procedure used to smoothen the outside of concrete, which is carried out while concrete is still partially dry, soft, and workable. Expert concrete contractors recommend proper sealing and finishing of the exteriors made of concrete, whether you are installing a new one or repairing the existing surface.

Here are the top five reasons why you need to properly seal and finish your domestic or commercial concrete surfaces to get the best out of your investment:

Increased Protection

Concrete is a porous substance, which is why spilled oils and grease can easily penetrate through the surface and eventually form unpleasant stains. It’s a commonly observed issue with most of the driveways made of concrete where parked vehicles leak small amounts of oils leading to the formation of these annoying marks. Concrete experiences damage due to some other factors as well, like rain and moisture, moss and fungi, and temperature changes.

You can prevent it by adding a protective layer through sealing, which blocks all the substances mentioned above from entering the inside of the concrete.

Avoid Staining

When people park their cars roughly at the same spots many times, the oil leakage from such vehicles leads to the formation of tough stains. You can overcome this problem through the sealing process; it acts as a barrier between the environment and the concrete’s pores. Harmful substances like oil and moisture are not able to be absorbed through the surface because of this barrier. It means that all kinds of spills, dirt, and other materials are barred from entering the concrete, which can easily be cleaned through simple mopping or sweeping.


Concrete itself is one of the most robust construction materials out there, which can last for about five decades when adequately preserved. After getting an extra protective layer through sealing and finishing, it can last for even longer and require lesser maintenance. These processes add sturdiness to the concrete walkways and help avoid the collection of moisture, chemicals, oils, and other materials, which might otherwise lead to the creation of potholes and large pits. The added durability to the concrete surface also means that you can enjoy the more useful life of your concrete sidewalks.

Easy Maintenance

Concretes are easy to clean and maintain when they are adequately sealed and finished. It also prevents from experiencing stains and other forms of damage. Instead of sinking through, all the substances like spills, dust, dirt, oils, and greases keep on floating on the smooth surface of concrete, which can easily be mopped and washed whenever you want.

Enhanced Appearance

Most people choose decorative concretes for their indoors, which are available in a variety of classy shades, stains, dyes, and paints. Finishing helps preserve these colors and makes them look sharper, cleaner, and polished. Finished concrete gives an even and smooth surface, enhances concrete’s aesthetic appeal, and makes it look more authentic and natural.

In a nutshell, while installing concrete material on one of your domestic or commercial properties, adding extra protection through sealing and finishing can add more years to your concrete surface without the need for frequent maintenance. Always avail the best services of the best concrete contractors near you to get the best results in sealing and finishing your concrete countertops.

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