Top UK Film Investment Studios

Obviously, there is a certain percentage of risk when you are dealing with money and investing in something. However, film investment is thought to be one of the most secure and reliable type of investment a person can choose considering a correlation of definite profit vs risk. Filmmaking is just the kind of business in which you can invest a relatively low amount of money at different stages and receive a decent return in a short and a long-term perspective. With proper tax schemes, which provide film investors contributing to the development of the British film production with the tax relieves, and the whole-country trend of film investing encouragement, the benefits won’t be long in coming.
For those people, who’re not significantly involved in the film production industry, it’s definitely better to seek partnership with an established film finance company, which takes up the responsibility of choosing profitable projects and doing everything they can to ensure positive investing experience. Not sure which company to go for? Pick the one from this list of the top-four British film investment studios.
Omeira Studio Partners
This studio presents itself as one of the most experienced teams, working for decades with global film industry by film production, its financing, and distribution. Omeira Studio Partners has established and recognised relationships with their worldwide partners, cooperating with the independent distributors and principal international agents. The great bonus is that this company distributes their products all over the world.
According to the crew, they are unique due to their “distribution-pull” approach to filmmaking. It means that the company selects film projects rather carefully and according to the market preferences. Thus, the film production you are planning to invest in has higher possibilities to become high-grossing and bring your profit. Omeira Studio Partners has strong relations with their partners, who provide them with the accompanying guarantees. So, you may be confident in the projects you are planning to invest.
Red Rock Entertainment
Located at the world famous Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, this UK film finance company produces the biggest TV shows on British television and has financed many successful British films. The unique feature of this group is that it offers a remarkable number of the tax-efficient investment opportunities. Red Rock Entertainment mainly works with the projects, which are on their final financing stages of development so that the partnering investors may get their profit sooner and feel secure about funding the film. According to the experienced team, their sole purpose is focusing on investment projects, which have a commercial benefit, targeted audience, clear financial structure and captivate the audience’s imagination and attention from the first minutes.
Other film production and distribution companies cooperate with Red Rock Entertainment since they offer gathering funds from individual investors and financing their projects. The money goes directly to the British production companies. The reputation of this firm is top-ranked, as they always control their projects to stay within the financial budget and the timelines. Red Rock Entertainment organises private visits to the film companies, educating carries out seminars and filming sets attendance for its investors.
The company representatives regularly attend major European film festivals (the Cannes, Berlinale, London Film Festival) and similar events worldwide (American Film Market) to promote their projects and look out for the new ones.
Gizmo Films
Firstly, Gizmo Films was specialising in documentaries, creating mainly TV projects for the BBC, Channel 4, Discovery and ITV. But lately, the company has changed its direction and started to work with the films for cinemas and TV distribution. Gizmo Films has a fascinating and diverse catalogue of current and completed projects.
Since 2012 they have started their cooperation with significant distributors and now have proved to be reliable partners. This film finance studio offers tax-efficient investment opportunities. Gizmo Films cooperates closely with all investors to keep them fully informed of their projects’ progress. They are aimed to create and work on the projects under profitable budget, supplying investors with the necessary information while the project is being created.
SOHO Film Finance
Along with usual investing possibilities, SOHO Film Finance also produces soundtracks for films. It can bring additional profit to the investors, which may be gained both from the percentage of the film revenues and the music rights. SOHO film funding opportunities consist from commercially beneficial projects and are continuously being replenished by the high-grossing film projects. The activity of this company is based on professionalism, integrity, quality, and simplicity, providing their clients with honest business relationships, which are continually developing and improving. Having more than 25 years of experience in the film industry, they offer not only profitable investment opportunities but also unique experiences for the demanding investors.
So, the profits from film investments and cooperation with film finance companies can get really high. Stop thinking and start acting right now.
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