Types of Carpets for Your House: Cleaning And Maintenance

Amazing carpet interior

Choosing a carpet for your house is a very responsible and difficult task. You have to be very careful to pick a rug that best fits the rest of the interior in your home and your way of lifestyle. It's also very important to choose a flooring that's easy to clean and maintain and won't get damaged by your everyday actions and habits.

How to Pick The Right Carpet For You

As there are numerous fabrics used in carpet manufacturing, this can be a challenging task. Each of the fabrics has its own properties and specifications, and each of them has a different process of cleaning. Here is little information about some of the most popular carpet types.

Jute Carpets

Jute is the second most popular natural material for carpet fabrics. Only cotton is used more than jute. The material is mainly used in the clothing industry, but floorings made of jute are also very popular. It is very strong and doesn't attract dust like other types of fabrics. That's why jute carpets are appropriate even for allergy sufferers. These carpets are also resistant to moisture. They look very stylish, they are absolutely eco-friendly and can be maintained very easily with a simple vacuuming. The downside of jute carpets is that when a stain happens, you can't simply remove it with the usual carpet cleaning techniques, because you can't wet it. It's almost impossible to remove a spot from jute rugs. Sometimes even skillful cleaners can't manage this task. Don't expose your jute carpets to direct sunlight, as the sun rays dry the fibers and practically bake them. Also, avoid exposing your jute floorings to moisture, as it will make them attract and keep microbes.

Wool Carpets

The wool carpets are awesome and are the favorite type of many homeowners. They are very soft, resistant to all kinds of dirt and stains, and can be maintained and cleaned easily. The main benefit of wool carpets is they add a lot of style, warmth, and charm to a house. These floorings are sold in different patterns, colors, and sizes, and can fit any home decoration style. The biggest disadvantage of the wool rugs is that they absorb a lot of dust and micro-organisms if not cleaned on a regular basis. This can pose a very serious issue for allergy and respiratory problems sufferers. The most appropriate way to clean these materials is with a steam cleaning machine.

Synthetic Carpets

The word synthetic is a collective for polypropylene, nylon, and other types of artificial fibers. These carpets are cheaper than the previous two types but aren't that resistant and long-lasting. Very easy for maintenance and most of the stains can be easily removed from them. If not cleaned regularly, the fibers become ugly and matted. Synthetic rugs can't be cleaned with hot water extraction method and shouldn't be used in rooms with fireplaces or other types of heat source, as they can melt. Professional cleaners use dry carpet cleaning when they have to clean nylon or polypropylene carpets.

Sisal Carpets

Sisal is a natural material, just like jute. It has the same uses, although it's not that popular material. Sisal is also resistant to humidity and can't be cleaned with water. These carpets are anti-static and don't absorb dust, but they need to be vacuumed regularly. Be careful not to stain them, as stains can't be removed.

These were only a few types of carpets that can be found on the market. Be very careful what you pick when looking for a new rug because choosing the wrong flooring can cost you a lot more nerves and money. If you have a pet, don't go for an expensive carpet from natural materials, as it will be ruined very fast. If you aren't sure that you can manage a carpet issue on your own, always call quality carpet cleaning services and maintenance experts to help you. It's better to spend some money on cleaning services than to spend a lot of money on a new carpet.

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