Valentina Podmazina

I am a blogger and an author. Topics I write about: Technology, Data, Analytics, AI.
Articles from this author
Direct advertising is a popular and effective method to make a website bring money to its owner. Webmasters and publishers are free to choose from ad networks, native ads, and selling own ad placements. In this article, we will focus on the last option, which means that a site/blog owner can define where to put ads not to make the website look littered with banners.
This kind of paid advertising looks organic on websites, as it looks like an article: useful, interesting, fascinating, and full of actionable recommendations. They can even become viral sometimes. Also, native ads are more popular with the audience due to ‘banner blindness’, while they are used to not noticing banners and contextual ads, native ads are perceived as common content.
Everyone has been talking about the GDPR recently. What is it? Is it so dangerous for businesses that are situated in the EU? And what about those located outside the EU? The IO Technologies team is here to spread the light on this issue.