When and How to Wash Your Hands

When and How to Wash Your Hands

​Handwashing with water and soap is one of the best and effective approaches to prevent the spread of numerous sorts of pathogenic diseases and it is the cutting edge of the barrier against the COVID-19 infection. Likewise, hand washing with water and soap assists you with staying away from the skin and eye disease and the spread of seasonal influenza. 

On account, it takes 15 to 20 seconds to wash the hands appropriately however research shows that on normal an individual goes through under 6 seconds to do it. The scientist says that 95 % of individuals follow inappropriate handwashing procedures. 

Around 2 to 10 million microscopic organisms are available between at the tip of our finger and elbow and there is no uncertainty that a basic and simple hand-washing conduct that can be practiced at any occasions and in any conditions, regardless of whether at home, school or work environment, Additional to health care offices where clean hands prevent the spread of germs from one individual then onto the next, in any case, researchers have demonstrated that numerous individuals don't wash their hands accurately, or for quite some time. Presently is a decent and ideal opportunity to look over when and how to wash your hands. On the off chance that you have children at home, it may be helpful to share a legitimate handwashing tactic with them. 

When to wash your hands:

  1. Before, during, and in the wake of getting ready food (particularly while taking care of crude meat, poultry as well as fish). 
  2. Before or after eating food. 
  3. Before and after performing clinical consideration of any sort to anybody. 
  4. After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
  5. After utilizing the washroom, evolving diapers, or tidying up after a kid or pet who has utilized the restroom. 
  6. After taking care of trash, when your hands get noticeably filthy. 
  7. After visiting a public place. 
  8. Prior to wearing a contact lens and removing it. 
  9. Whenever your hands are filthy. 

The most effective method to wash your hands:

  1. Rinse your hands with warm or cold water and apply soap. 
  2. make foam in your hand, including the backs, between your fingers and under your nails. 
  3. Presently rub the correct palm over the left hand with joined fingers (rehashed the activity with the other hand) 
  4. Rub your hands for any event for 20 seconds. You can sing "Sparkle Twinkle Little Star" or the "Cheerful Birthday" melody twice to ensure that you or your youngsters are washing for a considerable length of time. 
  5. Wash your hands well under running water. 
  6. Clean your hands with a towel or dry them with a hand dryer. 

Best alternative:

Without soap and water, you can utilize a hand sanitizer. Settle on Alcohol-based hand sanitizers dispenser as they are demonstrated to be increasingly viable in dispensing with the number of microorganisms on hands 

  1. Take a couple of spurts of the hand sanitizer in your palm.
  2. Rub them together. 
  3. Rub additionally the front and back, between fingers, around and under nails.
  4. Let your hands dry for a while.


Hand washing is the best straightforward, viable, and economical strategy to liberate yourself from germs and viruses. Hand sanitizer is a best alternative option for hand washing however it is essential to keep your hand's germs free whether you choose hand wash or hand sanitizer and it is concluded that washing hands with soap at key occasions which are mentioned above can diminish diarrhea rates by over 40% and intense respiratory diseases (ARI's) by around 23% 

Kids are incredibly defenseless against germs and diseases, imparting good health and cleanliness habits in them is an absolute necessity. Urging them to wash their hands every now and again will guarantee that this practice can transform into a long-lasting habit.

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