Ayurvedic Herbs for Low Platelets - Immune Thrombocytopenia

Ayurvedic Herbs for low platelets - immune thrombocytopenia

Nowadays many people are suffering from thrombocytopenia or ITP. This is basically a condition of low platelet count. After listing the name of this disease, few questions arise in the mind of everyone. What are platelets, what is their significance in the body, what are the possible consequences of reduced platelets? Don’t worry after reading this article you’ll be well aware of the platelets and their role in the body and the best methods to enhance the platelets value by using Ayurvedic herbs along with the best Ayurvedic formulations for this condition.

Platelets and their role in the body

Platelets also known as thrombocytes, are tiny, colorless fragments of cells formed in bone marrow, and present in our blood. These are the components of blood like white blood cells and red blood cells. Whenever there is an injury to the body, the human body has a defense mechanism to stop the bleeding immediately. This mechanism is known as the clotting mechanism and platelets are the major part of this process.

The functions of platelets involve the secretion of vasoconstrictors for blood vessels constriction that prevent bleeding from the broken vessels during trauma. Forming a temporary platelet plug to stop bleeding. These cells secrete procoagulants (precursors of clotting factors) to promote the mechanism of blood clotting. And platelets also aid in dissolving the clots which are no longer needed by the body. Thrombocytes also secrete the growth factors to maintain the blood vessel linings, digest or destroy pathogens (such as certain bacterias).

Normal Value of Platelets

150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Whenever the platelet count goes down to the lower range, It is a matter of worry. A platelet count lower than 50,000 platelets/microliter is considered low, and the manifestations began to appear such as frequent bleeding episodes and delayed healing of even the smaller wounds. But when this level falls down to 20,000 platelets/ microliter then there can be severe consequences.

Causes of Platelet Reduction

Some factors which lead to the decreased platelet production include heavy alcohol consumption, as a result of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or due to an underlying diseased condition such as haemolytic dengue fever, viral infections such as HIV, or Hepatitis C, leukemia, or other cancerous conditions, etc. Apart from these conditions, the major cause is immune-related or idiopathic diseases such as immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).

Consequences of Reduced Platelets

The thrombocytopenic condition (low platelet count) may lead to clinical features including superficial bleeding into the skin that appears as petechiae (rash of pinpoint-sized reddish-purple spots), usually, on the lower legs, purpura (easy or excessive bruising), delayed healing process that may result in prolonged bleeding from minor injuries, frequent bleeding episodes from gums or nose, hematuria or Malena (blood in urine or stools), unusually heavy menstrual flows in females, chronic fatigue and spleen enlargement is usually found.  Severe thrombocytopenia (count below 10,000 platelets/ microliter can cause dangerous internal bleeding and also if bleeding occurs in the brain, it could be fatal).

Acharya Sushruta also emphasises the importance of blood by saying it is the root of the body, and its loss must be prevented by utmost priority as this fluid is the basic necessity of life.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Improving Platelet Count

Many Ayurvedic herbs have a very much efficient role in preventing the reduction of platelets includes Jeevanti (Leptadenia reticulata), Draksha (Vitis vinifera), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) etc.

Whereas some of the herbs are beneficial in promoting the formation of platelets and supporting immune system such as Eranda karkati (Carica papaya), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Shigru (Moringa pterygosperma), kumari (Aloe barbadensis) etc.

1. Eranda karkati

Eranda karkati i.e. Papaya leaves (juice or extract) are having excellent results in enhancing the platelet count. Papaya leaves are rich in enzymes like chymopapain, karpain (strong alkaloid), and papain. Apart from these, the extract of leaves is also found to contain vitamins A, C, E, K, and B and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron in abundance, these all factors promote platelet formation and increase the reduced platelet count.

2. Giloy and Ashwagandha

Giloy and Ashwagandha are well known for having their immune-modulating functions. These herbs are beneficial in promoting the new healthy cell (platelets) formation and also strengthening their membrane so that they don’t easily undergo destruction.

3. Amalaki

Amalaki is rich in five rasa and is an abundant source of antioxidants. On regular use, it scavenges the free radicals that are the prime cause of the destruction of cells (thrombocytes) and enhances normal cell functions.

4. Mandukaparni and Brahmi

Mandukaparni and Brahmi are the nervine tonics well mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. They act in these conditions by improving the brain functions and preventing the various auto-immune conditions responsible for platelet destruction.

5. Haridra

Haridra primarily acts by reducing the recurrence of bleeding disorders. Also, it promotes the formation of new platelets. 

Planet Ayurveda Is An Emerging Manufactures Of Herbal Medicines Which Are Made With Strict Adherence To Ancient Ayurvedic Texts Using Time Tested Formulas. 

Our experts provide packs of herbal formulations under the name of ITP Care Pack for various reduced platelet conditions. There are several ITP Care packs available with us including ITP Level-1 (Basic Pack), ITP Level-2 (Platelet Gush Pack), ITP Care Pack (For Adults), ITP Care Pack (For Kids 0 to 5 years), ITP Care Pack (For Children 5 to 14 years) categorised on the base of the age of the patient or on the severity of the disease. The basic ITP Pack consists of Plato Plan Syrup, Ashwagandha Capsules, Punarnava Mandoor, Hemo Plan Syrup, Suvarna Vasant Malti Ras, this pack is the combination of classical Ayurvedic medicines (such as punarnava mandoor and suvarna malti rasa) and the ones made by our experts’ suggestions (Plato Plan syrup, HemoPlan syrup, etc.). These formulations are enriched with the goodness of the Ayurvedic herbs mentioned above plus some other classical mineral formulations which have had amazing results on such conditions since ages.

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