How Natural Home Remedies for Yellow Nails Work?

Yellow Nails

In ancient times when there was no professional method of health examination, people usually figured out health problems because of signs on one’s appearance. The change of skin color might be one of the most common signs that show something unusual inside the body. This practice has been applied for other parts of our body, such as nail. On the other hand, in modern society, there is an increasing trend of nail care and it is seen as an important part of beauty as well. Therefore, it is more important now to have healthy nails. However, some people are struggling with yellow nails which may make them less confident. This article will show you how to treat yellow nails naturally and quickly.

What are Yellow Nails?

Yellow nails can be characterized as a kind of nail discoloration which is the consequence of some infections or skin conditions.


It is said that the most common cause of yellow nails is nail polish. Nail polish contains some pigments, especially darker shades, which stain the nails throughout time. Thus, one of the easiest ways to cure yellow fingernails is to make use of clear base coat before you try your nail polish. Besides, yellow nails might be a type of nail discoloration which indicates some more serious problems. It may happen because of fungal infections in the nails.

What Increases Your Risks?

The risk of yellow nails is also higher among people with poor lifestyle habits, especially those who are addicted to smoking. Patients with chronic liver diseases are more likely to suffer from yellow nails as well.


This problem can be recorded in both toenails and fingernails as they turn into yellow. Besides, some people might notice that the speed at which their nails grow seems to be slower.

Home Remedies for Yellow Nails

Yellow nails may ruin your self-confidence when they are visible. Therefore, it is urgent to remove yellow stains from nails. Here are top 10 natural home remedies for yellow nails that have been used for years.

1. Baking Soda

One of the first natural home remedies for yellow nails is baking soda. This ingredient is strongly exfoliating and bleaching; therefore, it is suitable for removing yellow from nails quickly. How to apply:

  • Combine baking soda (2-3 tablespoons), 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon)
  • Soak cotton swabs into the mixture and then, dab them over areas affected by yellow nails
  • 3-4 minutes later, take lukewarm water to rinse your nails

This method should be applied every 2 months. Alternatively, you can use the second mixture from baking soda in the process of fixing yellow nails.

  • Combine baking soda (1 tablespoon), olive oil (1 teaspoon), lemon juice (1 teaspoon)
  • You should take a soft toothbrush to apply the mixture over the nails
  • After 5 minutes, use warm water to cleanse the nails

You had better follow it once per week or 2 weeks only.

2. Toothpaste

Obviously, we brush our teeth every day in order to keep them white and clean. However, toothpaste is also well-known for another advantage – to whiten yellow nails. In case the stains in yellow toenails or fingernails are just mild, toothpaste which have some whitening agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, will work best. How to apply:

  • Take a small coat and apply it over yellow nails
  • 10 minutes later, use a nail brush to gently scrub the nails
  • Then, dip cotton balls in lukewarm water and use them to cleanse the nails

You should apply this tip on how to cure yellow toenails 2-3 times on the weekly basis. And remember to keep this habit during a month to get the best results.

3. Tea Tree Oil

In some cases, yellow nails result from fungal infections. And tea tree oil is one of the best home remedies for yellow nails to deal with such circumstances. With strong acidity and anti-inflammatory quality, Essential oils for toenail fungus can quickly eradicate the concentration of fungi inside your nails. In addition, it serves as a strong natural fungicide with antiseptic and antimicrobial qualities to help you get back the nails’ natural color. How to apply:

  • Take an eye dropper to apply the oil over yellow nails
  • After several minutes, take lukewarm water to cleanse the nails
  • You should follow this method twice per day

Alternatively, you can combine tea tree oil with olive oil in the same amounts and apply them over yellow nails twice per day.

4. Listerine

Beside toothpaste, listerine can also work as efficiently as any other home remedies for yellow nails. It is particularly helpful for those who experience this problem due to fungal infections. There are many active compounds in listerine that treat fungus on feet or hands, for example, eucalyptol, thymol, menthol or methyl salicylate. All of them are strongly antifungal. All you need to do is to dip your yellow nails into Listerine for about 30 minutes every day. Alternatively, if you want better effects, try the following method. How to apply:

  • Combine Listerine with vinegar in the same amounts
  • Dip your nails into the mixture for about 30 minutes on the daily basis

Note: At first, you might notice skin areas around your nails become green. However, do not worry as it will go away itself.

5. Lemon

Among top natural home remedies for yellow nails, lemon might be the most popular and available. Working as a wonderful natural bleaching agent, lemon will effectively eliminate stains present on the nails. Furthermore, its astringent quality is also useful for treating discolored toenail from nail polish. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties are effective to prevent infections that might worsen the situation. How to apply:

  • Prepare a bowl of fresh lemon juice
  • Dip your yellow nails into the mixture in about 15 minutes
  • After that, scrub your nails with the help of a soft toothbrush
  • Take lukewarm water to cleanse the nails
  • Do not forget to use moisturizing lotion which helps to keep your nails moist

This method should be applied twice per day for the best toe fungus treatment.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best tips on how to whiten toenails naturally. Some natural home remedies for yellow nails mentioned above in this list also consist of this ingredient as well. It is effective to eradicate yellow stains on your nails. However, you should use 3% hydrogen peroxide for safety only. How to apply:

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3-4 tablespoons) should be mixed with water (1 cup)
  • Stir them well
  • Then, dip the nails into the mixture for more or less than 2 minutes
  • Scrub the nails with a soft toothbrush

Note: A side effect of this nail fungus cure is to dehydrate the nails. Thus, it is appreciated to use moisturizing lotions after that.

7. Orange Peels

Orange provides us with many amazing health benefits, most of which come from its richness of vitamin C. However, few people know that its peels also contain an abundant amount of vitamin C as well. And this is the central point that makes it one of the best home remedies for yellow nails. Vitamin C from orange peels will be supportive to the elimination of yellow stains in the nails. You can use the peel to rub the nails 2-3 times on the daily basis and results will come soon. Another method to use it to whiten yellow nails is to:

  • Combine powdered orange peel (2 tablespoons) with water so that you have a thick paste
  • Get it applied over yellow nails in about 10 minutes
  • Then, you should remove it with the help of soft toothbrush and cleanse them

It is possible to do so twice per day to achieve the desired results.

8. Denture Cleaning Tablets

Denture cleaning tablets are one of the most common home remedies for yellow nails. This cure provides two very important elements – citric acid and sodium bicarbonate – which play a crucial role in the elimination of stains. How to apply:

  • Mix 2-3 in lukewarm water (1 bowl)
  • Dip the nails into the mixture for about 15 minutes
  • Then, pat dry the nails and use moisturizer to keep your nails hyderating

You should apply the method 3 times on the weekly basis.

9. Juniper Berries

With powerful disinfectant property, juniper berries are the next home remedy for yellow nails that you should bear in mind. It is also effective for those experiencing infected nails due to fungi. How to apply:

  • Mix crushed juniper berries (1 teaspoon) with warm water (1 bowl)
  • Let your nails be in the mixture for more or less than 15 minutes
  • Then, cleanse it with lukewarm water
  • Use some moisturizer to grow your nails

The recommendation is to apply this method once per day before bedtime so that your nails can absorb nutrients at night.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another wonderful home remedy for yellow nails that you can apply immediately. People have used this ingredient to cope with nail discoloration for years because of its antifungal qualities. Therefore, it is really helpful to treat nail infections. Moreover, you will be happy to know that it even speeds up the growth of your nails. How to apply:

  • Pour apple cider vinegar into lukewarm water (1 cup for each)
  • Your nails should be left into the mixture for approximately 20 minutes
  • Then, use a soft towel to pat dry the nails

You can implement this method up to 3 times per day, continuously for a month in order to notice improvements in the treatment.

What to Avoid

Smoking is claimed to be one of the leading causes for yellow nails. Therefore, it is strictly banned if you want to stay away from yellow nails. Besides, nail polish is mainly responsible for this problem as well, so you should avoid using it as much as possible during the treatment.

When to See Doctor

If the problem does not go away even when you have applied all natural home remedies for yellow nails, you should ask a dermatologist for advice immediately. In rare cases, yellow nails may come from some underlying medical conditions that need addressing instantly.

How to Prevent Yellow Nails

Although these home remedies for yellow nails are effective, they might take time for your nails to recover. And the best way to avoid this scenario is to learn how to prevent yellow nails. This not only saves you a lot of time and effort but also improves your health condition. In case nail polish is necessary for your daily basis, you can actually do something to prevent yellow nails. The answer is clear base coat. It serves as a shield to protect your nails from annoying stains that might ruin everything. Besides, you should also pay attention to ingredients in nail polish when you purchase it in order to figure out some harmful chemicals. In general, yellow nails are not a complicated health problem. In fact, they are just signs of improper care or some inside health issues. You should follow these natural home remedies for yellow nails patiently and the results will be coming soon. If you have known some better yellow toenail cures, we highly appreciate your contribution!

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